What’s Ben Up To?

Local Farmers Loosing Profits?

Not My Problem!

Ben Cline supports tariffs and trade wars that are causing rising costs to our local farmers. Some will loose their farms and risk going into poverty. But I guess that isn’t a big deal.

Don’t you worry about us down here in the valley struggling to buy eggs or pay pay rent, Ben!

PS: How are your new billionaires friends doing?

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Thanks Ben!

Thanks Ben!

Things Ben Cline Loves!

Cutting Veteran jobs

Getting Rid of Veterans Benefits

Firing Doctors that help Veterans

Firing Local Forestry Service

Firing Park Rangers

Keeping teachers under-paid

Keeping the working class down

Kissing up to Billionaires

Farmers loosing their Farms

Higher costs for small Farmers

High costs for the working class

High Egg Prices

Making more people homeless

Cutting the free lunch program

Your Grandma loosing Medicaid

Young Grandpa loosing Medicaid

Your older parents loosing Medcaid

Rich people not paying taxes