Is what we share made up?

Nope! Everything we share on the decisions, legislative choices, or statements Ben Cline has made are 100% real. In fact, you can reference them on his website, the congressional website run by the government, and likely Ben Cline’s own social media channels or interviews with the public or press. That kind of amazing work by a elected official can’t be made up.

What if I want to sue TBC?

Please do not do that. The First Amendment protects satire and opinions of public figures as a form of free speech and expression. Ben Cline was elected by the citizens of VA district 6, therefore he works for us as long as we keep hiring him through elections. We’re just here to tell him how awesome of a job he is doing and make sure our neighbors are informed of this awesomeness as well.

What if I want to advertise with TBC?

We only accept donations to help cover the web hosting costs through our donations / tip jar. This is a public service by a citizen of VA6D for the people of VA6D.

Which Party or political Bias does TBC hold?

We strongly believe that all policy making is local. IE, decisions that affect us as citizens in our town, county, state first start at the lowest level, long before the reach the white house. Partisanship has no place for things that can affect entire communities, therefore the only bias we have is that Ben Cline is doing the most aweomest job for all the people of VA 6th Congressional district and more people need to know what he’s up too and be able to easily let him know how great he is.

Where can I find TBC?

You can fully TBC through the following channels:

Social Media

All Hail, Ben Cline!

Our good friend Ben might not be a nationally known household name, but those of us who live in Virginia’s 6th congressional district know the name well! We’re here to praise be to Virginia’s favorite, Son!